Saturday, August 4, 2012

As jobs picture improves, so do Obama reelection chances - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hil

President Obama’s reelection got a boost Friday from the best monthly jobs report on the U.S. economy since February, something that gave his campaign team more fuel in making their argument that the economy is making steady progress.
While the good news was coupled with an uptick in the unemployment rate to 8.3 percent, analysts predicted that if the job numbers—however murky—are maintained over the next several months, Obama is likely to win reelection in November against his opponent Mitt Romney.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday the economy added 139,000 jobs in July, more than expected and more than the economy added in May and June combined.
i still maintain 139,000+ beats 750,000- do the math righty's.
there is no spin to create the numbers don't lie in spite of the republicans do.