Friday, August 17, 2012

Mitt Romney's Great Tax Loophole Scam

  • I just saw a short segment on CNN about Mitt Romney and all the tax loopholes he's supposedly going to close to make up for his tax cuts. It was admirably forthright, with nobody really cutting him any slack for his weasel words. Fortune's Andy Serwer was one of the guests, and the conversation revolved around his interview with Romney that was posted today. Here's the relevant question:
Specifically what tax loopholes would you close and what exemptions would you eliminate to make the revenue-neutral equation work?
Simpson-Bowles laid out a formula that shows that you can do just as I described. That you can bring down the rates, limit deductions and exemptions for people at the high end, and with additional growth that comes by virtue of the stimulative action you can reach a balanced budget. I will follow a model similar to Simpson-Bowles and work with Congress to identify which of the alternative methods we should apply to reduce deductions, benefits, and exemptions.
Just to be crystal clear here: Everyone knows this is never going to happen, right? If Republicans win in November, they'll extend the Bush tax cuts and then pass additional cuts of their own. After all, the economy is suffering!
unless the other side opens it's eyes and shake off the years of propaganda influence by the right, we could be in deep do do, make no mistake this is the most consequential election in all our lifetimes, don't let it go down in history as a reality. recognize
We need to put more money in the pockets of the job creators so they can create some jobs.
where are the jobs republicans, especially the one's you conned your voters into believing you would actually do something for them? BTW those jobs have been coming for decades and the money has been put in the pocket of "the job creators"? are you lying to "we the people"?