Some afternoon updates on the armed far-right jackasses who have valiantly taken control of a Oregon wildlife refuge Because Reasons.
For those who haven't heard the news, Ammon Bundy (son of deadbeat rancher Cliven Bundy, the Fox News-promoted lunatic who orchestrated an armed standoff against federal Bureau of Land Management employees with the help of many of America's most well-armed archconservative chuckleheads) and perhaps a dozen-ish fellow militia-minded cranks have "taken over" the administrative buildings at the Burns, Oregon Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and have vowed to start murdering people if law enforcement officers attempt to dislodge them. They claim they are doing this in response to two ranchers being sentenced to prison after being convicted of arson, but also want the federal government to close down the wildlife refuge and, of course, whatever other federal lands the group demands they relinquish. Why did they choose the wildlife refuge? Because it was nearby and unoccupied when they were looking for something to take over—these are not masters of planning we're dealing with. How long do they plan on staying? They say "years", although the withering mockery the group is receiving on Twitter already seems to be taking a toll.
Is it very, very hard for the rest of us to take America's Dumbest Militia Group seriously? Yes. Yes it is. But we shall muddle through.
The White House has declined to weigh in on the sit-in (it's not really a "standoff", regardless of what the headlines say, because nobody is "standing off" against them—law enforcement is leaving them to their own devices for the time being), calling it "a local law enforcement matter".
Nonetheless, schools in nearby Burns, Oregon are closed for the week due to the threat of violence.
The group posted a video asking like-minded patriots to come join them "armed or unarmed" in order to "prevent any bloodshed". They also claim they are going to use the refuge as a base of operations to return public lands to private citizens. Somehow. In theory.
The two ranchers convicted of the original arson have turned themselves in and will begin serving their five year sentence, as they previously said they would.
Unlike the original Bundy Ranch standoff, conservative politicians are being quick to distance themselves from the armed group, with even Rand Paul and Ted Cruz calling on them to stand down. This is possibly because of lessons learned after supposed patriot Cliven Bundy started lecturing America on live television about the blacks, and possibly because the group who has taken over the wildlife refuge is so nuts that even their fellow militia members have been wary of backing them up.
The Harney County Sheriff (in the Bundy version of the militia movement, county sheriffs are the ultimate legal authorities and can and should overrule federal edicts at will) kindly requests the group of yokels get the hell out of his county.
I mentioned that we are trying very hard to take these people seriously, because they are unhinged lunatics threatening to shoot any federal agents who come to dislodge them. But they are not making it easy for us.
"The Black Lives Matter movement, they can go and protest, close freeways down and all that stuff, and they don't get any backlash, not on the level that we're getting," said the man, who identified himself as "Fluffy Unicorn."
Fluffy Unicorn, who calls himself a "bodyguard" for the group, sounds like he's resentful of all the free tear gas and National Guard troops that peaceful black protesters can garner. By all means, law enforcement, feel free to spread the love.
in case you didn't recognize these are the crazies i spoke of armed and dangerous mainly because they have all those weapons Ol Fluffy's crack about the Black Lives Matter org well major difference they are not armed and threatening to kill federal agents or murdering innocent hostages, and if they were we know it would be a matter of another historical massacre of those who support BLM.