Thursday, January 7, 2016

Get ready for some frozen Bundy buns

Looks like the Y'all Qaeda Bundy bunch can expect chilly weather along with a chilly local reception.
From the diaries. Susan
Federal authorities have now made the decision to cut off power to the wildlife refuge center near Burns, Ore., occupied by the self-styled “militia” yahoos. According to a story in the Guardian, an unnamed federal official said authorities are planning to shut off the electricity to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon occupied by the Bundy bunch and their heavily armed cohorts.
About damn time.
“It’s in the middle of nowhere,” said the official, who is based in Washington, DC, and has knowledge of the planned response to the militia. “And it’s flat-ass cold up there.”
The Bundy bunch, roughly a dozen out-of-state, anti-government “militia” types, joined a protest in favor of two ranchers now serving a five-year sentence for arson, Dwight and Steven Hammond, but went further than the local protest when they took over the closed facility. And they’re about to get colder and lonelier.
guess we can also say mother nature don't like ugly either, break out your Bic's and you Zippo's domestic terrorist, White privilege ain't gonna keep Jack Frost from nipping at your toes, nose, ears, fingers, butts and Lord help you if you have to pee yeah He/She does move in mysterious ways coming your way now.