Paul Ryan called out for his act of appeasing Right Wing ideologues in yet another irresponsible bill to repeal Obamacare.
Moderator John Dickerson noted that Paul Ryan said he wanted the Republicans to offer an alternative to the president. Yet one of the first things he did this year, was to offer a repeal of Obamacare. "How is that an alternative?" Dickerson asked.
"It's not," Paul Ryan admitted. "That's why we have to come up with an alternative. So, you're right about that."
When asked if there was a forthcoming bill, Paul Ryan had a rather convoluted answer.
"My goal -- I don't know how far it will go, given the fact that we have a filibuster and a guy named Obama who is not going to replace Obamacare," Ryan said. "But my goal is that we as Republicans, if we don't like these laws, don't like the direction the country is going, I think we have to be more than just an opposition party.
We have to be a proposition party. So, if we don't like this, we have got to show how we would do things differently. And we really think Obamacare is failing, whether it's premiums, restricted access, higher deductibles, families losing insurance that they wanted to keep. And that's happening all across the country. People are hurting and we need to offer a solution. So, yes, yes, on this and many other issues, we need to offer alternatives. And that's exactly what I intend on having us do."okay after his abysmal failure to launch his agenda of more of the same for the new year is compounded 100 times over since they have been railing against ObamaCares for 7 years with the "repeal and replace" which they dropped recently after being called out also numerous times for having no replacement the idiots didn't know hoe to get a clue and still have to alternative plan. how stupid is that???
7 years and no one bothered to come up with their own plan could it be they never interned to replace after repealing by going back to insurance co. rip offs or they realize there is no better plan coming from them because that would entail helping we the people not on their list of things to do ever. bottom line the elephant dung continues to grow and the stink well what do you do first when you hear their plans which never include we the people???
FYI in order to stop being the opposition party recognize your "Values" now "PRINCIPLES" are your problem they only appeal to one third of the population and they are as reprehisibly despicable as you!!!!
take a good look after hearing the elephant dung they sling do you or family members react in a similar fashion???????????????????????????????????????????????????????