Sunday, December 13, 2015

Senate Republicans block vote on key counterterrorism nominee: 'We’re going home for Christmas.'

Chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) speaks during a Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on Perspectives on the Strategic Necessity of Iran Sanctions, on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 27, 2015. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas (UNITED STATES -

As the calendar winds down, President Obama's nominations near a critical point—without confirmation this calendar year, many will have to be renominated in January, some for the third time. 
One of the most important nominations being delayed is Adam Szubin's as the Treasury Department's undersecretary for terrorism and financial crimes. That would be the post in charge of tracking down and stopping the funds going to terrorist organizations. Which you would think would be kind of important.
You would think wrong, at least as far as Republicans are concerned. On Wednesday, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) went to the Senate floor to try to force votes on some key nominations being held up by the Banking Committee, where's he's the top Democrat, including Szubin's. 
He pointed out that there "are substantive complaints about none of them. There is opposition based on their history, record, qualifications to none of them. It's all about Obama. […] And because they don't like the Iran nuclear agreement, we shouldn’t confirm somebody who will make us safer?"
The panel's chairman, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, swiftly objected to each of Brown's attempts.
"That’s a policy decision," Shelby said Wednesday of the nomination of Szubin, whom Shelby called "eminently qualified" during his confirmation hearing in September. "You know, he's probably a nice guy in all this. But there is a lot of dissent in our caucus on that."
Asked whether Szubin could move through his committee soon, Shelby responded: "We're not going to vote now. We're going home for Christmas."
republicans rant Pres. not keeping us safe poor leader and from the day after 911 that their leader allowed to happen they claim o be the only ones who could keep us safe.  now all the rhetoric and scare tactics point to Muslim and radical terrorist not the home grown kind but the foreign ones, 

keeping our borders safe 24/7 effort more everything of destruction needed but their response "hey we're going to get our Christmas on, if America is still here when we get back we'll look into the nominee".  my words  the wannabe leaders talk about leading from behind how about from another state after their vacation??????????????????????????????????????????