By all measures, Chasity Norwood appears to an exemplary student at Jackson High School:
She had good grades, would serve manager of both the football and volleyball teams, was staying active in church and working at a local grocery store.
She signed up for her fourth year in the Student Government Association and that is when things went sour. Chasity admitted she'd put on weight recently, but the school advisor in charge of the SGA completely and repeatedly embarrassed her, likely breaking a few laws in the process:
But when Chasity went to sign-up for SGA in late August, she said the SGA teacher and adviser asked her if she was pregnant.
Chasity brushed it off. A few days later, the advisor asked again.
"The coordinator saw her in the lunch room and said she wanted to talk with her," Williams said. "She asked her if she was a Christian, she [Chasity] said yes. She [the adviser] asked another teacher to get her a Bible. When she got the Bible, Chasity told me that she asked her to swear that she was not pregnant."
Chasity swore on the Bible she wasn't pregnant and paid the $25 SGA dues.
End story? Nope. The advisor brought it up again a few weeks later, denying her membership in the SGA:
"She [the adviser] said, 'I think you're pregnant and you can't walk behind me pregnant,'" Williams said. "And, that really hurt her. She [the adviser] said, 'Your check will be refunded. I hope you graduate and have a nice life.'''
The school says she wasn't allowed in because her payment was late. Chasity and her mother say they know of other students who turned in payment even later and were not denied.
Chasity's mother says the principal has been willing to talk, but nothing has been done to the advisor. The school district says they are investigating. In a video report by 11 Alive news (seen here), they note several laws may have been violated by the advisor.
this clearly looks to be jealousy or racial bias why would this young lady lie on the Bible with an intelligence that surely was enough for her to know if lying it will come to light in a few months elevating and disgracing her more. the fact that nothing done to advisers wreaks of of cronyism and a general consensus to keep her out of the SGA using the Bible as a barometer of her truthfulness it too can be used as a barometer to her legitimate faith and belief in God or was this just one of the religious freedom things they don't want us trampling on??????????????????????????????????
the allegation that the adviser thought she was pregnant and all actions following were do to that assumption is IMO a violation of her civil rights and subsequent exclusion, discriminative at least.