Monday, November 9, 2015

Michele Bachmann Says “Jesus is Coming Soon” and it’s Time to Convert the Jews


Well. So much for scholarship. So much for Paul of Tarsus. And so much for the Bible. Enter Michele Bachmann, the would-be prophet who was told by Jesus to run for president and finished sixth in the Iowa caucuses in 2012.
Bachmann appeared with hate group leader Tony Perkins on his “Washington Watch” radio program live from Israel last Wednesday to preach the good, if rather inexplicable, news.
 What is funny is Bachmann’s cry to “bring Jews to Jesus” when Jesus himself was a Jew, as were all his followers, from Peter on down. Jews all. Paul was the guy who ran off to convert Gentiles while Jesus’ brother James led Jesus’ actual followers (Acts 15.1-29, Gal. 2.11-12 and 2.9) in Jerusalem – as Jews – still worshiping at the Temple (Acts 3:1, 5:12) and, not to be needlessly redundant, but living as Jews (Acts 21:20).
Because, like Jesus, they were and remained Jews.
They were still Jews when the Romans came thirty years later and burned the Temple down around them and Jerusalem with it (66-73 CE) and paved the way for a Gentile church.
Bachmann is laying claim to knowledge not even the early Church, after Paul, claimed to have.
The very idea that people would need to be “brought to Jesus” by ceasing to be the same religion as Jesus, is absurd and offensive. Let’s not forget that if the Romans paved the way for a Gentile church, Michele Bachmann’s particular brand of craziness paved the way for Ben Carson.
 Bachmann appeared with hate group leader Tony Perkins on his “Washington Watch” radio program live from Israel last Wednesday to preach the good, if rather inexplicable, news.
okay here we go religion dragged out and misrepresented by right wing republicans used ti be's in her case still is bat crap crazy listen to the radio tape.  since Perkins is a hater doesn't he hate Jews too????