Harry Reid continued fully enjoying the fact that he's retiring after this term and had a few words on the Senate floor on one of his favorite subjects: The Koch brothers. Riffing off of the really pathetic Morning Joe interview with the brothers, Reid went to town.
Putting on his media critic hat, the Nevada Democrat mocked Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski for what he sarcastically called a "really tough" interview with the billionaire brothers earlier this week on their popular MSNBC morning talk show.
As he launched his anti-Koch broadside, Reid read excerpts of the brothers' "Morning Joe" interview on the Senate floor—including Scarborough's inquiry on whether the Kochs got their "graciousness" in philanthropy from their mother, or Brzezinski asking them who was the better brother. […]
"Wow. Those were some really tough questions asked by the host of 'Morning Joe.' That's sufficient journalism," Reid said Wednesday morning from the Senate floor. "Those questions are so easy, they may even qualify them to moderate the next Republican presidential debate."
Apparently Reid doesn't particularly care that the Kochs and Scarborough think he's a big meanie full of "vitriol." Good. Harry Reid, with no more fucks to give about what Republicans think of him, is precisely the Harry Reid we need.
i watched the visit and i agree with Harry the main thing was they admitted trying to buy the gov't but it was only to have people with their views advance them that's reasonable speaking the truth not so much a problem if you are the king makers and not aspiring to be the king just the WIZ hiding behind the curtain which apparently is as fulfilling as nat'l TV exposure. that is scary to do something as clandestine as try to by the gov't that gleefully admit it's to further your ideals.
give 'em hell HARRY you and Pres. stick it to them until the buzzer sounds i'm proud of you both.