Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bristol Palin Rages that Obama should "Stay Out" of Ahmed Mohamed Clock Case

Bristol Palin attends the
Clearly because she got all that good learning in the school thing about the Sex Ed and the condoms and the not having premarital sex Bristol Palin thinks she knows something about something and she's darned tootin' gonna edjamicate President Obama about it. Darn Straight.
Just why is it President Obama feels the need to stick his racial nose into the business of one small town and demean and degrade them with a despicable tweet like this one?
President Obama ✔ @POTUS
Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great.
12:58 PM - 16 Sep 2015
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And by "demean them" I of course mean "Cops" who were clearly the true target of this heartless, uncaring, meany mean mean President.
Why's he talking about what makes "America Great" like that?  Doesn't he know that really really terribly horribly hurts the feelings of Police-Americans? Bristol wants an answer and she wants it now.
it's nice that a child aspires to be like their mom, but sometimes you have to stop and reflect who your mom was when in the public eye. you remember that old adage "the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree"?  it's true!!  police Americans so mama grizzly like, their feelings of late have been more in line with this image below,

Image result for nicks perusals pictures