Sunday, September 27, 2015

15 things everyone would know if there were a liberal media

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Promoted from diaries by Susan Gardner. 
Reince Priebus (and apparently many others) still thinks there's a liberal media. 
While I share Reince's frustration with the media, as a liberal, I'd like to go on record and state that the media isn't focusing on issues I care about. They seem to be far more focused on entertainment and making money.
we know how Fox has tried to tie favorable stories about Pres. and other Dems as liberal media added with their disdain for thisentty that dares to report what they don't.  or do they????? we've seen MSNBC defect to the dark side and before that only a few were dependable sources.  they got rid oh the day time people and took on Fox fr ratings.
1. Where the jobs went.
Outsourcing (or offshoring) is a bigger contributor to unemployment in the U.S. than laziness.
Since 2000, U.S. multinationals have cut 2.9 million jobs here while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million. This is likely just the tip of the iceberg as multinational corporations account for only about 20% of the labor force.
When was the last time you saw a front-page headline about outsourcing?
3. ALEC.
If there was a corporate organization that drafted laws and then passed them on to legislators to implement, wouldn't you think the "liberal" media would report on them?
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is such an organization. Need legislation drafted? No need to go through a lobbyist to reach state legislatures anymore. Just contact ALEC. Among other things, ALEC is responsible for:
Stand Your Ground laws
Voter ID laws
Right to Work laws
Privatizing schools
Health savings account bills which benefit health care companies
Tobacco industry legislation
Many legislators don’t even change the proposals handed to them by this group of corporations. They simply take the corporate bills and bring them to the legislative floor.
This is the primary reason for so much similar bad legislation in different states.  
Hello ... "liberal media" ... over here!!!
They're meeting in Chicago this weekend. Maybe the "liberal media" will send some reporters.
just a couple  please read others in article.  bottom line is news is selective and chosen by profit potential we have no one to depend on fortunately if you are reading this you have or have access to a computer or your phone or tablet check out use the fact check sites but don't depend on one source as written in stone.  it's our butts in the sling if we don't care no one else will.