Senate Republican leaders this week narrowly averted an intra-party battle over ObamaCare by again promising to get a repeal bill to the president’s desk through budget reconciliation.
But the use of reconciliation — a budget tool that allows bills to bypass the Senate’s 60-vote threshold — is still a matter of debate among Republicans in Congress.
A growing number of GOP lawmakers say they would rather save reconciliation for bills that stand a chance of becoming law, unlike repeal of the healthcare law, which President Obama is certain to veto.
“Why we have to prove we’re a one-trick pony around here on ObamaCare, I don’t know,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), a member of the House GOP leadership team, said in an interview this week.
Cole, who has voted to repeal ObamaCare more than 50 times in the House, said he would rather use reconciliation for potential areas of agreement. He specifically pointed to ideas like removing the budget caps of sequestration or reducing the annual growth in Social Security benefits, both of which Obama has previously backed.
“Sending the president a bill you know he will veto when he’s never going to be on the ballot again — I mean it’s a wasted opportunity. I’d rather pick something that he might sign,” Cole said.
let's call it like it is the right wing congress has spent valuable time and millions of taxpayer money to either try to come up with ways to obstruct or trying to implement them some more than 50 times there is a certain insanity in that just like the Benghazi inquisitions none ever come to fruition the only point made is the republicans are irresponsible and crazed that they can't prove their contrivances to be real.
Cole is right they are a one trick pony and the pony is now a rotten carcass like Reagan that they keep bringing up over and over with the same rhetoric do they think we didn't hear them years ago???? with all the proven success of ObamaCares they still want to call it a train wreck and my favorite "an abomination" and seek to add another mark on the wall of failed tries to repeal dead carcasses litter that war room.