Thursday, August 20, 2015

Planned Parenthood on offense, running ads against vulnerable Republicans

U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) gives a thumbs down to the Obama administration as she addresses the second session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, August 28, 2012 REUTERS/Mike Segar

Planned Parenthood is fighting back, running ads against four vulnerable Republican senators over the potential for a Republican Congress to shut down government in a fight to defund the organization.
The ads will run in the home states of Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), all of whom face tough reelection races next year.
All four senators voted to advance legislation to defund Planned Parenthood. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), who faces one of the toughest races next year, was the lone Republican senator to oppose the procedural motion, and he is not targeted in the ads. […]
“First Pat Toomey voted to defund Planned Parenthood—risking healthcare for millions of women,” the Pennsylvania ad says. “Now Republicans want to shut down the government—to block funding for Planned Parenthood. What would a shutdown mean for Pennsylvania?”
The ad then shows a veteran wondering about getting benefits and a senior worrying about Social Security checks.
“Tell Senator Toomey: Stand up for Planned Parenthood healthcare—not a government shutdown,” the ad ends.
Planned Parenthood has polling to back up this effort, since majorities pushing 70 percent "in New Hampshire, Ohio and Pennsylvania said they disagree with a GOP-backed campaign to eliminate federal funding for the women’s health provider amid an undercover video controversy." 
Two-thirds say they would be more likely to vote against one of these senators if they vote with the defunding efforts and about three-quarters are really opposed to the idea of a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood.
These four senators have put themselves in an indefensible position already, by voting once already to defund. That only provided encouragement—as if he needs it—to Sen. Ted Cruz who is perfectly happy to shut down government if he thinks it will boost his presidential candidacy. Now they're stuck. They're going to have to vote again, and probably again. And every vote will be scrutinized now by the voting public back home.
this is what i'm talking about those egregiously defamed and victimized by the republican right wing propaganda machine fighting back fire with fire style if Progressive billionaires want to help fund those who are wrongly criticized and demonized by republicans exposing their lying hypocrisy will do more for a fickled electorate than just hearing the doom and gloomers.

we stay strong and together or weak and republicanized your choice