The parents of Jessica Ghawi, a 24-year-old woman gunned down by James Holmes in the 2012 Aurora theater massacre, tried to sue the online ammunition retailer who sold James Holmes the ammunition used in the attack. The case was dismissed before trial:
Thomas added that the case was dismissed before a trial could take place thanks to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, or PLCAA, a federal law passed by Congress and signed by George W. Bush in 2005.
“What PLCAA does is it provides very broad, blanket immunity from civil lawsuits for both gun manufacturers and gun dealers,” she said. “This is one example of a situation where somebody has tried to address liability, to go after bad actions of a dealer or manufacturer and PLCAA kept them from being able to do so.”
Adding insult to extreme injury, a federal judge has issued an order that will likely bankrupt them:
The family of 24-year-old Jessica Ghawi, a victim in the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, is faced with more than $200,000 in legal costs after a federal judge ordered them to pay attorney’s fees for four ammunition dealers the family attempted to sue.
“They have taken our daughter, and now they want to take our worldly goods,” Lonnie Phillips told MSNBC’s Tamron Hall in a televised interview earlier this week. “I think that’s a little much.”
In the ruling, the judge wrote "those who ignore a fire should be responsible for cost of suppressing it before it becomes a conflagration."
WTH does that mean, right wing republican laws stripping TAX PAYING AMERICANS of everything why because they dared to sue those who make the mass murdering plaguing America easier i saw no mention of background checks when bought online. more of right wing and NRA influence on the congress they still refuse to entertain any law that has guns or ammo attached.
meanwhile our children and loved ones continue to die in public places that are supposedly safe. that denial of safety is straight out of congress right wing republican congress. what if a guard in the congress decided to wipe them out any survivors would be passing gun laws that night but as long as it does not affect them or theirs it's not worth discussing. NRA money in their accounts probably direct deposited.