The Rev. Peter Schell is an Episcopal priest and the lead pastor of Calvary Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. On a road trip from Washington to Florida, the Rev. Schell, a young white man married to a black woman, was traveling with their interracial family and had his first experience of what truly appears to be racist police harassment.
In the car was Schell, his African-American wife, their 2-year0old son, and his wife's brother. He shared his story on Facebook and gave us permission to repost it here.
You may immediately notice that he was also pulled over for something similar to what Sandra Bland was pulled over for—a failure to use a turn signal when getting out of the way of the police car.
While driving on the first leg of our road trip to Florida, with my wife, my son and my brother-in-law, I noticed a white dodge charger in my rear view, tailgating me. After a couple minutes, I moved into the left lane to let him pass. He followed me. Then he turned on the flashing lights of the, now revealed undercover car. I pulled to the shoulder.
I've been stopped by police before (always for traffic violations that were my fault.) However, several things immediately seemed unusual about this stop.
One. Two officers emerged from their car, and approached ours from the passenger side, where my brother was sitting. The lead officer knocked at his window, and asked first for his license, not mine.
Two. After checking my license as well, and the registration of our rental car, and after the officer informed me he was only giving me a warning for changing lanes without signalling (He was correct,) he asked me to step out of the car. While his partner stood by our car, he walked me back to their patrol car, and asked me what I had in my pockets (keys, a wallet, and my phone.)
Three. He asked me to take a seat in their car, and closed the door behind me. He took his seat on the driver's side, turned and began to ask me questions:
checkout the questions asked in the article and get a fix on how some are treated "driving while White with Black people in the same car" it is clearly profiling and persecution asking questions they had the answers to, like where he rented the car the freaking rental receipt had that info along with his name and address which i'm sure corresponded to his drivers license and of course the drug inferences.
as you'll see most of those questions had nothing to do with being stopped and your credentials being in order this was antagonizing a interracial couple. note the White guy was treated no different than if he were Black that is police perception of guilt by association. police are the real menace to society. recognize