Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Now We Know. Scott Walker Was John Doe. (Big Update)


Scott Walker is John Doe

He's still denying it, but Scott Walker, it turns out not only caused the first John Doe Probe by refusing to cooperate and obstructing an investigation into missing funds from a Veterans trust, but he was a target of the John Doe Probe.
Gov. Scott Walker says he didn't know he was a target of a now-closed John Doe probe until this week, when newly released court documents showed he was under investigation for misconduct in office.
He continues to rely on the same old talking points to discount the importance of this revelation: "I didn't know", "this is old news", and, the infamous "I was never charged".
Why he was never charged in the investigation is a continued mystery since it is clear that he knew about the secret router, private email system, as well as campaign work and fundraising being done in his Milwaukee County Executive Office instead of official government business. All were in place to hide the use of his official office and staff as a campaign organization by avoiding the Milwaukee County routers that archive all communications to comply with Open Records Laws.
And then there's this:
Although Walker insisted at the time he was not a target of the probe, he set up a legal defense fund and hired criminal defense attorneys.
It seems that the Scott Walker Fluffers are out in force.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel changed it's headline on the article I linked in this diary FROM the original Scott Walker says he didn't know he was a John Doe target to Scott Walker defends his criticism of Clinton on secret email system.
This is NOT the first time they have changed headlines to something more Walker-friendly. Just before the recall election in 2012, the Bureau of Labor Statistics put out a new report on Wisconsin jobs numbers that were quite damaging to Scott Walkers claims about job creation. The headline was changed THREE times to the point where the headline actually criticized the BLS report in favor of a report Walker had compiled to reflect a good jobs report.
THIS is the way our Wisconsin media operates to help Scott Walker and the GOP. Bear that in mind before criticizing voters in this state that is flooded with propaganda disguised as news.
these guys when caught in their own mess deny any awareness Christie and his bridge, Trump and his web of deception, now Walker and many other deniers if it's true and these people were not aware doesn't that call into question whether or not they would be as incompetent in a bigger chair, how do you lead when you have no clue of which way is up???

once again by their own forked tongues they tell us they are not ready as if the present situation within the republican party wasn't proof enough, infighting, 4 factions ans four different paths but are they really different they all have the same end game them in office controlling the entire gov't and we the peons of their kingdom subject to their thumbs and the pressure they apply to them which IMO won't be realized until those left hear squish!!!!!  recognize

all the front runners have something they are either being investigated for or questionable associations and involvements and their base fully complicit the more clandestine and lawless the louder the cheers and the stronger the hugs.

how do you be under federally mandated probe and not know John Doe is because they have reason to believe there are more than one person culpable and it covers whoever else they discover during investigation.  if you are a governor how does that escape you especially if you are republican who on those committees have track records of leaking info prematurely???????

[klan- des-tin]
characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception; private or surreptitious