Friday, August 14, 2015

Kentucky high school excludes star basketball player from yearbook after he confirmed he's gay

Dalton Maldonado playing in a game for Betsy Lane High School

Dalton Maldonado made headlines last year after he decided to come out to his teammates during a basketball tournament. An opposing team had been yelling "faggot" at him and in a moment of anger and frustration, he went in the locker room and confided in his coaches and teammates—yes, he was gay. The team rallied around him and finished the tournament. Maldonado said he was surprised by the extent of their acceptance and support.
Apparently the administrators at his high school weren't so accepting and supportive. Dalton finally got a copy of his high school yearbook and was shocked to see they didn't include any information about him on the team's page:
Betsy Layne High School in rural Kentucky this year had a two-page yearbook spread that featured all of the seniors on the boys basketball team. Except, one senior was left out of the tribute: Dalton Maldonado, the team's starting point guard who came out publicly as gay a couple months ago.
This is the latest slap in the face of Maldonado and the entire LGBT community by a high school administration that simply won't accept that one of its star athletes is gay and was harassed for his sexual orientation by an opposing basketball team last December. The school's yearbook has omitted its starting senior point guard from the senior boys basketball tribute page in the yearbook, a deeply insulting blow to an athlete who has contributed to his school.
i see these instances of school officials bowing to bigotry as a teaching moment they are teaching still forming minds that intolerance is the price for anyone not acceptable with their own prejudices.  i also think while this worked on past generations it's not on this and future ones.  

hard to convince a kid that their friend or classmate is the most reprehensible person in the world when they see another kid just like them and they like them.  parenting can be the most anti social factor in the developing mind dooming that kid to the 24/7 job of hating and not really personally knowing why. pray for those kids.  if his coaches and team mates supported him where is the noise the protesting against bigotry practiced in their school against their students i say students because if they did it to him they will do it to the next one and what about past Gays?????

devils advocate moment, he is referred to as star player could the embracing coming in the middle of a tournament game be because they needed him to get a win, not mentioned if they won or lost but still in the heat of the moment you don't ostracize a star player regardless.