Sunday, August 2, 2015

Bill O'Reilly On Planned Parenthood's Fetal Tissue Donation: "Many People Feel This Is Nazi Stuff"

watch this episode of the liars club they like all those who oppose conveniently leave out the fact that Planned Parenthood's services only 3% involve abortion they try to mislead with misinformation implying it is primarily if not 100% abortion clinics.  

this is a failure by those that support it by not stepping up and aggressively rebuking republican claims first they tried to say it was Blacks using it only, then they dropped the "you are paying for it" bomb then the faux empathy for fetuses but never and care or concern pre or post natal in fact they are trying to take wic and food stamps from the mothers that feed those babies previously the fetuses they feigned caring so much about.

oop's there goes that Nazi reference again