Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Trump holds rally with birther Joe Arpaio, claims his critics are sent by Mexico

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures and declares

Donald Trump, having thoroughly explained his anti-immigration policies and peculiar racist ideas about Mexico's plot to send us all their rapists, has now moved on to outline his economic and domestic poli—hah, just kidding. Actually he went to Phoenix, Arizona, this weekend to hold a rally with fellow racist birther Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The speech, hosted by the Republican Party of Maricopa County, drew several thousand people to the Phoenix Convention Center, making it one of the largest events for any candidate so far, though short of the crowd of 10,000 predicted by the Trump campaign. [...]
“The silent majority is back, and we’re going to take our country back,” Mr. Trump declared as he left the stage.
That will be an interesting catchphrase. Donald Trump and the Silent Majority sounds like a very Scooby-Doo show. And no, neither Trump nor Sheriff Joe had any updates on their crack birth-certificate investigation teams or their latest findings.
"Persians are great negotiators, Iran great negotiators," Trump said.
And it introduced a new campaign plank: People who don't like Donald Trump are paid agitators sent by ... the Mexican government.
Trump proposed that protesters and critics were being sent by the government of Mexico to oppose him.
"They were so sophisticated. I guarantee you that the country of Mexico had those people [sent there]," Trump said. [...]
When confronted by a questioner who criticized Trump's comments about Mexico, the reality-television star sighed and said, "I was waiting for this."
"Did the government of Mexico ask you to come here?" Trump asked, talking over the questioner.
the guy is not just a narcissistic blabber mouth he's multi faceted he's also a paranoid schizo if you really listen to his speeches he's got more different lines than the 2015 edition of Rand McNally world road map except there are no stops of interest he just goes on and on and on never any politics just self aggrandizing and opinionated put downs of everything not Trump. 

btw i thought Mexico loved him if so why would they send critics to torpedo him did they stop sending us those they don't want the criminals and rapist or is this still taking place under that really dusty looking rag on his head???????

lying down with fleas gets you fleas lying with another racist gets you better creds as the republican number 1 wannabe racist running for president.