Friday, June 26, 2015

Dash cam: The contrasting arrests of Freddie Gray v. Dylann Roof

Dylann Roof was arrested last week after a a citizen spotted him and called the police. According to the Charlotte Observer:
At least five Shelby police officers, guns drawn, surrounded the black Hyundai sedan that had pulled off the highway on Thursday morning.
The skinny, blond driver, though, lowered his window and calmly handed over his driver’s license.
“I’m Dylann Roof,” he said.
Shelby police Chief Jeff Ledford said they found a .45-caliber handgun in Roof's car. That gun was most likely used to murder nine unarmed churchgoers during a Bible study meeting last Wednesday.
Freddie Gray was arrested purportedly for possessing a switchblade, which was discovered after officers followed him for a while because they were suspicious of him ... for something 
Six officers involved in the arrest and injuries of a 25-year-old Baltimore man, Freddie Gray, have been suspended after he died in the hospital a week later. After the initial police reports were released, it became clear that the officers were attempting to cover up exactly how Gray sustained three broken vertebrae, swelling on his brain, and how his spine was reportedly 80 percent severed. In those incident reports, police claimed that Gray "was arrested without force or incident" and that he "suffered a medical emergency" in the back of the police van after his arrest.
Gray, arrested two minutes from the police station, was kept in the van for 30 minutes. Lies aside, Gray emerged from the ride dying from a severed spine and other injuries.
Then there's the arrest of Dylann Roof:
In Shelby, the FBI handled Roof’s initial questioning, Ledford said. Shelby police’s lone conversation with the mass-murder suspect was about food. Earlier in the day, Roof had bought water and chips at a south Charlotte gas station. Now he was hungry. Police bought him food from a nearby Burger King, Ledford said.
“He was very quiet, very calm. He didn’t talk,” Ledford said. “He sat down here very quietly. He was not problematic.”
aside from the kids gloves and catering to Roof and the total disregard for Mr. Gray's well being 10 Black Americans are dead those lives were taken and those killers are in the system but is the system into justice for those who died?????  until there are convictions and prison time for all those murdered by police the arresting's don't really mean anything they just calm the mood until some DA or jury decides there was no wrong doingn that dynamic has been ignored will it repeat itself??????