Thursday, June 4, 2015

Cartoon: American exceptionalism

This week, Ireland voted YES (by vast majority) for same-sex marriage in a nationwide referendum, becoming the 20th country to do so, and the first in history to legalize marriage equality democratically. This is wonderful news for the Irish, and for global progressive thinking on the whole.
And it got me wondering: Ireland's citizens have come forward in overwhelming support of a pro-same-sex marriage agenda despite Catholic Church dominance in all walks of Irish Life. So how do other countries with strong governmental Christian ties deal with the issue?
The answer, it turns out, is sometimes quite well. This cartoon highlights the various nations that have found no problem in having both an official Christian State religion, and a legal right for all people to marry freely. And then of course, one nation that has a bit more trouble with both.
why do they keep making these grandiose claims of America actually the country is okay it's those who are denying, conniving, lying and  disenfranchising that disavows all claims of number one we are generally double digits behind countries we claim/ imply are behind us in advancing on the global stage.  IMO they fight so hard to defend defenseless claims because realty hurts and when you can't handle the truth you create your own, one more conducive to your delusions of grandeur.

greed and lack of conscious drives those who are actually counter to what they say they represent, if i gave a gnats crap i would feel empathy for the turmoil that they must endure on a daily basis saying one thing doing another but never losing sight that it's all just a game those people play on a giant chess board except their board pieces are all pawns. recognize

to republicans being number one means who we scare the most, not who loves us but how many fear us, how big our's is compared to theirs how much commerce is created for them and the percent difference between the 1% and the 99% income equality.  who really has damaged the American brand here and abroad??????