Thursday, June 4, 2015

Why I'm a Dem - Rant from Southern White Male, Mid 40's, Business Owner

I am a mid forties white male living in the South.  With my accent and business background, people assume I am a conservative.  When they find out I am a democrat, many are surprised and often ask, “why am I a democrat?”
The short answer is because I like people more than I like money.  Do not get me wrong, I like money too, but when an issue comes down to a choice between people or money, I like to err on the side of people.  This is not to say I would always decide in the favor of people, often times the costs are too high, but lets not put money first all the time.
I believe the democratic party is the best choice for the US to gain greater social freedom and economic development.
I believe social freedom means the freedom to be yourself as long as you do not hurt other people. I believe economic development means working to live, not living to work.
Why do I think the democrats are the best choice for social freedom? Because most liberals I know do not care about your sexual orientation, religion, drug use, choice of entertainment, etc. as long as your exercise of these rights does not infringe on the rights of others.
Why do I believe democrats are the best choice for economic development?  I am old enough to remember the S&L crisis in the early 90’s after nearly 3 terms for republican presidents.  I remember Bill Clinton’s economic bill that raised taxes on the top tax bracket, and the republican predictions of economic doom that accompanied it.  We all know how that turned out.  After 2 Bush terms we had yet another financial crisis.  In my lifetime, the democrats have managed the economy better than republicans.
everybody take notes kinda kills that republican line about "ask any business owner Obama policies are hurting small business" you know what is glaringly absent from that line of rhetoric they never ever mention the advantages to we the people showing us their only concern is business no matter how many times they say it's us it's really them. recognize they have convinced you that we are the ones who can't govern while showing us so far this year it's them who cannot.