Tuesday, June 16, 2015

California police raid marijuana shop, caught on video eating edibles, joking about kicking amputee


Santa Ana police raiding a medical marijuana shop

Santa Ana, California police have announced an investigation after video surfaced of a raid on an unlicensed medical marijuana shop in which the officers involved acted extremely unprofessionally. 
After using a battering ram to smash down the door, they came in pointing guns at customers and forcing everyone to lay face down. A short time later they can be seen on-camera mocking a female customer with an amputated leg, with one officer laughing and saying “I was about to kick her in her fucking nub!” Other officers can be seen laughing and sampling the marijuana edibles before destroying most of the cameras and recording equipment in the shop.
The woman they were mocking is planning to sue:
The video was edited and released to news media by Long Beach-based attorney Matthew Pappas. He plans to file a lawsuit on behalf of Marla James, the patient with the amputated leg, alleging gross mistreatment by officers during the raid.
“I’d like to see the police officers disciplined for the behavior that goes on here. I’d like to see the city stop engaging in illegal conduct,” Pappas said.
Although medical marijuana is legal in Santa Ana, the city refuses to issue any permits, effectively forcing these businesses to operate illegally, something James and Poppa hope to change with the lawsuit.
law enforcement has evolved into an entity that is totally above the law the courts the juries and anyone else involved sees fit to dismiss their actions, maybe because they feel don't make those protecting you mad but common sense should dictate that the more emboldened they get the more they see everybody as potential perpetrators and deserving of the same back shooting and beatings White citizens are becoming less excused and just a matter of time before they to feel the heat of open season.  rogue cops are equal opportunity assaulter's.  tick tock

edited video can only mean one thing intent to cover up it's easy for cops they have the system watching their backs, we the people somebody else's video phone doesn't carry as much weight as a contrived police excuse and a paid vacation or the perpetrator cop.  can you imagine tampering with evidence for starters?????