Wednesday, May 13, 2015

'Creeping Sharia' Howls Its Way Back Into The Spotlight


It's been a few months since talk of Muslim "no-go zones" was all the rage among conservative politicians and pundits, but the people in that same circle are starting to gin up fears of "creeping Sharia" law again.
The uptick in concern about the threat of Sharia law to the United States came even as some prominent conservatives surprisingly refused to lionize Pamela Geller, the notoriously anti-Muslim blogger who organized the Mohammad cartoon-drawing contest where two gunmen opened fire earlier this month in Garland, Texas.
Rush Limbaugh
While defending Geller, conservative shock jock Rush Limbaugh declared last week on his radio show that “Sharia law has already been implemented in this country.” As proof, Limbaugh cited a 2010 case in which a judge denied a New Jersey woman’s request for a restraining order against her Muslim husband, whom she accused of repeatedly raping her. The judge ruled that the husband was acting in accordance with his Islamic beliefs about spousal duties. (An appellate court later overturned that decision.)
Limbaugh also pointed to the example of Memories Pizza, the tiny Christian-owned restaurant in Walkerton, Indiana that became a flashpoint last month during the debate over the Hoosier State’s newly enacted Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The pizza shop temporarily shut down amid threats the owners received after telling a local TV station that they would have to refuse a hypothetical request to cater a same-sex wedding.
“That's an example of what Sharia would be like,” Limbaugh said. “You must conform, you must like, you must agree, you must comport, you must do what we want or else.”
okay this is just another buzz phrase designed to scare the gullible's  they brought it up in numerous misleading's of incidents where they thought they could inject and instill the fear of the invasion of Muslim Sharia Law they even wasted taxpayer money passing a bill to not allow it to be in America again one of their contrivances creating a new boogeyman for their base to hate nothing but a red meat toss to keep the trough filled and their constituents mad and scared about something they could not explain without using the talking points of their republican scare terrorist the one's they really need to fear, none of those they have created through the years has lied to deceived and taken cold blooded advantage of them but the republicans.  who's zoomin who??????

oh BTW that Keffiyeh becomes of racist Rush he looks right at home where was he born was it in this country where's his birth certificate????