Monday, May 11, 2015

Three fingers are pointing back at delusional conservatives

Religious conservatives may be wise to reread Matthew 7:1.
(1)“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. (2)For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (3)“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? (4)How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? (5)You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (6)“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
This week, Jon Stewart illustrated the perils of self-proclaimed religious conservatives forgetting their own teachings. He showed Ted Cruz projecting himself in his attacks on President Obama. The piece was hilarious and sad. It should be an embarrassment to Ted Cruz, but it likely will not be. For many, the ideology they promote is a tool for votes and not a core belief. As such, embarrassment is not an emotion they possess.
An article by Thomas B. Edsall in the New York Times, titled Sex, Drugs, and Poverty in Red and Blue America, is powerful, showing what real journalism is all about. With so many cable channels and time to fill, you would think this type of in-depth analysis would be covered instead of the same old stories ad nauseam. That is, after all, the responsibility of a free press. The level of ignorance of the American population is directly proportional to the media's dereliction of its constitutional duty. Edsall gives examples of the media jumping to conclusions as to what ails Baltimore and other urban regions. It wasn't only conservative media, though—the supposed liberal media (read corporate media) also attempted to give society at large a pass for its portion of responsibility for these ills.
Edsall noted that the Wall Street Journal editorial page implied that the once-vibrant city of Baltimore was under Democratic control for nearly 40 years, and that the governing ideas were progressive, modeled on the reliance on government and unions. He also noted that those in the conservative sphere were quick to attribute the ills of Baltimore to the degradation of the nuclear family. Ironically, that "degradation" is now broad-based and a characteristic increasingly found in the white communities in red states.
Edsall pointed out an inconvenient truth about Muskogee, Oklahoma, a red state town. Muskogee is a town where a search on the local newspaper for the phrase methamphetamine arrest yields 316 hits. Two-thirds of the births in the city were to unwed mothers, 48.3 percent of them white. The teenage birthrate is 59.2 per 1,000—almost twice the national average of 29.7. It turns out that "dysfunction" can be found everywhere, but is only highlighted in places that conveniently give a skewed view of American society at large. America's problem is socio-economic, and attempting to make it racial or a liberal issue is an obvious deflection.
Edsall also pointed out yet another inconvenient truth about the red states: based on data, it is obvious that their politicians are experts at projecting. Their perceptions of their states are far different from the realities.
The highest rates of white teenage pregnancy in the 30 states with available data are in red states. While the national white teenage pregnancy rate in 2010 was 38 per 1,000, white rates were at least 10 points higher in nine states: Oklahoma (59), West Virginia (64), Arkansas (63), South Carolina (51), Alabama (49), Mississippi (55), Tennessee (51), Kentucky (59) and Louisiana (51). Each of these states cast decisive majorities for Romney in 2012.
The high pregnancy and birthrates among white teenagers in states where the Christian right and Tea Party forces are strong reflect the inability of ideological doctrines stressing social conservatism to halt the gradual shift away from traditional family structures.
well who knew?  we have been victims of them doing it but only pointing in our direction they've gotten away with it for years just like you rarely hear about the White kids who's pants are covering only half their butts, hats on backwards, talking in the vernacular or the drug use how about rap being demonized only after the White kids adopted the culture.  evangelicals in all their bluster are failing those they have brain washed that part stuck but the advancing hasn't and they have the audacity to say they want their country back guess they are to anal to realize it never left.  like i said if you are White and don't have 9 figure minimum bal in the bank preferably off shore, that you are in the same box they put us in. i remember a phrase don't remember from what but it was "hi, dis here is your new neighbor".

greeting White America.