Monday, May 11, 2015

Students protest after teacher suspended for showing 1959 PSA about the dangers of homosexuality

A boy in a 1950s PSA warning of homosexuals

Ken Simon wanted to give his students a lesson about how attitudes towards cultural subjects change over time. After showing a 50-year-old PSA on homosexuality, the 70-year-old teacher is in hot water:
Ken Simon was removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave after he showed the 10-minute video that dealt with homosexuality. He is facing disciplinary action.
"Him being suspended over a situation of him actually teaching about our history as a country is absolutely asinine," former student Victoria Long said.
The video was made in 1959. It warns students to avoid strangers "because they might be homosexual."
Simon said he used the video to show just how much attitudes about homosexuality have changed over the years.
Nevertheless, Simon received a 10-day suspension. Sadly, this is his final year of teaching. He is retiring at the end of the year, which means he won't get to say goodbye to his students. He's been told he can attend graduation ceremonies, under the condition he not speak to any students or other faculty. A ridiculous ending to a 50-year career. One student who is protesting his suspension summed it up:
"They just did it," Jennifer Schultz said. "I love him. He was a great teacher. If you don't teach history and how far everything has come then you are not doing your job."
Americans have been ruled by fear mongering the boogeyman in the closet, under the bed, behind the bush the location changes with the whoever the boogeyman de jour is. think about it from the right we only hear doom and gloom even when they are in "CHARGE?",  there will always be something that keeps us in line and looking to them as the proverbial "White knight" except this one rides by and doesn't wave or look in our direction.  its good for war for the republican agenda of exploitation and perceived power for the rest of us it only means loss of loved ones, destroying families, maiming our troops, destroying the nat'l budget and the American spirit because war is all about the Benjamins for right wing and it's politicians

 when you look back at the campaign to scare Americans about various things and the propagada video's they made were nowhere near the reality and more for shock value than anything else fear mongering.  note the fear was aimed at White audiences.