Thursday, May 28, 2015

Texas Drowns; Exxon-Mobil CEO Shrugs And Giggles

Texas Drowns; Exxon-Mobil CEO Shrugs And Giggles

Half of Texas is underwater. People are dead, infrastructure is in tatters, and more rain is coming. The severity of these storms is undeniably linked to man-made climate change, but Exxon-Mobil wants everyone to know that's just too damn bad.
After downvoting two modest climate change-related proposals, Exxon-Mobil's CEO had a few words to say about climate change.
On climate change, Exxon CEO Tillerson said that models predicting the effects of global warming aren't very good and that it would be very hard for the world to meet aggressive emission-reduction targets. He said technology can help deal with rising sea levels or changing weather patterns "that may or may not be induced by climate change."
"Mankind has this enormous capacity to deal with adversity," Tillerson said. "I know that is an unsatisfactory answer to a lot of people."
Or as Hunter at Daily Kos put it, "it sucks to be you."
Tillerson's thoughts on investments in renewable energy? "We choose not to lose money on purpose." Thought bubble: So screw you little people and your solar panels.
Hear that, Texas? That's what they think about your stinkin' climate change proposals. Suck it up and get over yourselves, because Big Oil has all the dollars and you don't.
that sounded like some sour grapes mixed in with big oil sarcasm.  are the low prices and competition not going their way? this rant was aimed at Texas so what might have transpired there that puts them in a screw you Texas mode.  what about keystone are they seeing the republican WH fading in the rear view so no republicans no pollution or misleading about oil we will never see at the corner station.  somebody peed on their parade.