Thursday, May 28, 2015

Rand Paul Tries To Fool Students Into Thinking He's A Democrat

Rand Paul Tries To Fool Students Into Thinking He's A Democrat

Baby Paul's obligatory "I wanna be President so I wrote a book" book is out. Huzzah! In it, he brands himself as a "crunchy treehugger" who says "the Republican party sucks."
He's really hoping that will appeal to college students so he can peel a few away, I suppose, but first he'd like to destroy those campuses they all attend and rid them of stinky liberals before indoctrinating them into the Cult of Koch.
In a new book released on Tuesday, Paul said he composts and believes in clean air and clean water. Paul notes that he has planted giant sequoias in his yard and repurposed old trees used for a fort to build compost bins.
"None of this is at odds with wanting out government to be smaller, with wanting our regulatory bodies to protect both our land and water," Paul wrote in his third book, "Taking a Stand: Moving beyond partisan politics to unite America."
Just for giggles, here's what he has to say about race relations.
The Kentucky senator wrote that the tension he has tried to soothe between the GOP and people of color is deep and complicated, but ultimately salvageable. That is if Republicans recognize that, admit it and make this minority outreach a priority.
"My Republican Party, the Republican Party I hope to lead to the White House, is willing to change," Paul wrote in his third book,
Paul puts the blame on the Republican Party's image, which he says is "broken" and scares away minority voters even though they should be attracted to the GOP.
"Right now, the Republican brand sucks. I promised Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, that I would stop saying the GOP sucks, and I will (except for this last time)," Paul writes. "I believe the Republican Party and minorities have common ground."
...says the man who believes the Civil Rights Act was a mistake.
the guy is a fraud again no matter what he says before an election he is a republican they will not support him if he meant what he says because it is not their agenda to be civil or to care.  remember Grover Norquist in 2012?  note his reference to "my republicans" yeah those same ones you have seen no change in for decades.  i think they are going along with him because they have nothing else and given their propensity to give very little credit of intellect to the electorate and it is keeping in line with their deceit MO they are probably high fiving behind closed doors, maybe a waiter brought their spy cam and we get another admission of disrespect for the more than 47% now.

he too will have to follow orders and believe me they will never give any order faintly resembling any claim he makes as to change of partry doctrine.  not to mention Progressive opposition to their anti American agenda