Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fox Host: "If You Don't Want To Be Poor," Get A Job

is the reason Fox makes up it's own news because they only listen to themselves and by virtue of that they too are under informed.  republican jobs promised in the 2010 tea party sham got them in but they failed to bring any jobs with them now here they are again and still no jobs.  

i was listening to morning joe today the conversation came to infrastructure failing in light of recent train crash in Phila. while my prayer go out to those souls and families that loss a loved one and those under care a speedy recovery.  i noticed and i looked for but it never came Pres. and his American jobs act was built on infrastructure rebuilding and putting people to work right a way creating million plus jobs.  republicans have turned their backs on Americans repeatedly and ignored it but instead they push the Keystone with many more less jobs maybe 20,000 and eventually ending in 35 permanent jobs.  so what does that tell you, this is a hoax and intended to put more money in big oil corps while American wave goodbye to that oil as it leaves to gulf on it's way overseas never to be seen here again.