Notoriously addled butt munch Pat Robertson took a question today from a woman worried about her 11-year-old son who "started listening to music that speaks of the 'beast within' and the 'infection in people.'" Consequently, his behavior has this poor woman "to the point of me giving up trying to parent him." Thank goodness she took her concern to that master oracle of parenting advice, good ol' Pat.
Pat started out okay, reminding exhausted mom that her son was just going through puberty. But this is Pat Robertson we are talking about, so of course things went south very quickly. The natural response to a child going through the difficulties of puberty is to "smack a little 11 year old around a little bit and say, ‘You behave, you’re not going to listen to that garbage in my house. If you do I’m going to tear it up and break those records or CD or whatever, iPods, however you get that mess.'"
During that last sentence, Pat's sidekick, Terry Meeuwsen, had to step in and remind Pat that 11 years olds today do not listen to records. They get their filth these days from the devil iPod machine. Pat goes on to insult the woman's child calling him a "twerp who needs to learn how to behave."
The most telling thing in this stupendously ignorant episode is that Pat automatically concludes that he's lecturing a single mother. When it's pointed out that the woman used the pronoun "we" in the question, Pat proceeds to emasculate the father by warning with a sinister laugh that "the little kids wouldn’t do that with me, I promise you. Big Daddy’s home! Wham!"
do they pay people to be humiliated by the emperor of "DUH"? i remember anther incident where a woman went to him in tears because her husband was cheating, his advise she needs to sexy up implying she was at fault that caused her "loving husband" to stray while not assigning any responsibility to the philanderer. this guy advocates beating kids and excepting infidelity and other things that no one but a right wing zealot at war with women would say, and remember he does it in the name of The Lord.