Karen England of the Capitol Resource Institute wants to be certain everyone is peeing in the right place.
California's most paranoid citizens have now come up with a ballot initiative that would provide no less than $4,000 to people who catch a transgender person using the appropriate bathroom. Don't these people have anything better to do? Seriously, anyone who has time to dream up and promote an initiative like this ought to be confined to doing community service until such time as they develop passions other than policing other people's bathroom use.
Here's Zack Ford with the sad details:
The so-called “Privacy For All” coalition has introduced the “Personal Privacy Protection Act” for consideration as a ballot initiative. It would require that “a person shall use facilities in accordance with their biological sex in all government buildings.” Though never using the word “transgender,” it seeks to erase transgender people by defining “biological sex” as “the biological condition of being male or female as determined at or near the time of birth or through medical examination.”
The blanket ban on transgender bathroom usage includes not only an enforcement mechanism, but an incentive to police other people’s gender. ... the Act would create a civil claim against individuals for using the restroom in accordance with their gender identity, as well as against whatever government entity allows them to do so.
my first thought did anyone take the time to explain to this bigot what transgender means and if so is she ignoring facts in favor of being a right wing intolerant? transgender people would use the restroom that is that which te aspire to be, so there would be no desire tn attack those they want to be accepted by, so my question to her "WHAT THE FUSS"??????
[trans-jen-der, tranz‐]
Spell Syllables
Word Origin
adjective, Also, transgendered
noting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth: the transgender movement;
transgender rights.
noting or relating to a person who does not conform to societal gender norms or roles.