Saturday, April 18, 2015

Gay Republicans locked out of conservative conference because of 'diametrically opposed beliefs'

Larger version of Log Cabin republican logo

Hi, I'm from the Log Cabin Republicans, I wanted to know if...hello? hello? I thought we fixed our telephones?
It's hard when the political party you want so badly to be accepted by is homophobic. It's even tougher when their homophobia is directed at you because you are homosexual. This is the problem faced by Log Cabin Republicans all of the time. Add the Western Conservative Summit, scheduled for June this year in beautiful Denver, Colorado, to the list of Log Cabin rejections. Conservative luminaries like Scott Walker and Rick Santorum are slated to speak at the event.
On Wednesday, the president of the Centennial Institute, John Andrews, said his group had returned a $250 registration fee that the Log Cabin Republicans had sent in to secure a booth at the three-day summit. Because the group advocates for gay marriage, it cannot have an official presence at an event that promotes traditional family structure, he said.
"We'd love to have them attend the summit and be in the discussion. But we have to draw the line at a formal relationship between two organizations with diametrically opposed policy beliefs," Andrews said.
By "We'd love to have them attend," John Andrews means "We don't want anything to do with you because you are gay." The English language is tricky, guys. In the Centennial Institute's defense, the Log Cabin Republicans have never asked to be a part of the conference before, so the Institute hasn't had to worry about being totally grossed out by them before. Also, the GOP's string-pullers are old and they cannot help but grip onto their archaic social views—even in the face of the changing views within their own party's youth.
Today, 61% of Republicans and Republican leaners under 30 favor same-sex marriage while just 35% oppose it. By contrast, just 27% of Republicans ages 50 and older favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry.
they know that gay republicans exist if no other reason than they gave them a nickname as the article says they never asked to be included before one would think because they know it ain't that kinda party, so that begs the question  why would self professed Gay's join a party that hates them?  i thought okay maybe the seek to change from within but the bigotry in the party is at an all time say it loud high against even to the extent of violent opposition.  then i ran across this article 

and became even more confused this declaration of existence for them really makes little sense.
Why We Exist
Log Cabin Republicans work to make the Republican Party more inclusive, particularly on gay and lesbian issues. Equality will be impossible to achieve without Republican votes. Working from inside the Party—educating other Republicans about gay and lesbian issues—is the most effective way to gain new Republican allies for equality. Log Cabin also exists as a voice for GOP values among members of the gay and lesbian community.
their mandate as it were is failing miserably.  then i wondered if republicans hate them so much why are they allowed to remain part of the party is it for the vote which sounds more like them using just for gain not because of support you know like the constituents good only during elections afterwards pick out a curb with a view you're getting ready to be kicked.  over 40 years in existence and they are still treated like a red headed Hispanic or Black stepchild by the party, they need a game change or a new coach their record is as bad as my beloved Wash. Redskins football team and that's bad.

did i mention Reagan might have had some involvement in their founding?  wonder how many on the right wing know that little nugget Reagan just wasn't a very good 2015 republican so why do they bring out the carcass and bow to it not quite as often but now occasionally which would be too much if they really believed wha they spew now.