Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Unnamed Republican sources now trying to claim Iran letter was meant as a 'cheeky' joke


"Can't you take a joke?"
In the wake of the backlash over the Republican Party's latest attempt to undermine the President of the United States with their open letter to Iran, telling them not to trust America and signed by 47 Republican Senators, unnamed Republican sources are now rolling out an amazingly stupid defense:
Republican aides were taken aback by what they thought was a lighthearted attempt to signal to Iran and the public that Congress should have a role in the ongoing nuclear discussions. Two GOP aides separately described their letter as a "cheeky" reminder of the congressional branch’s prerogatives.
"The administration has no sense of humor when it comes to how weakly they have been handling these negotiations," said a top GOP Senate aide.
well they have proven their clown car bravado has been true all the time but "CHEEKY" a joke, playing with the threat of war while undermining the Commander and Chief, colluding with other foreign leaders to be complicit in their war, risking American lives and treasure is not funny by any interpretation except obviously republican congress.  this latest bogus school yard prank by republicans shows America and the world they are not ready for prime time or gov't control.  can't wait to see who and why they thought this was responsible oh and let's not forget the P5+1 the other 5 countries that are at the table with America and Iran, China, Russia, Germany, UK and France

now is the time for republicans to go around the world and apologize for America and it's resident azzholes.  and no the Admin does not have a sense of humor for what the kiddies on the other side think their grade school playground banter is funny and i'm sure no one else except the republican base and not all of them.  2016 save it from the republican party of stupid.

they need to use those frequent flier miles and go around the world apologizing for their juvenile acts of sour grapes revenge against Pres.  they say Pres. is weakly handling talks then what are they doing sending aides to do the dirty work isn't that the leading from behind they accused Pres. of?

one last point Rubio said he'd send another one, doesn't sound like or look like he was joking.