Tuesday, March 10, 2015

NY Daily News Denounces GOP Senate as "Traitors" on their Front Page (Trending Worldwide)


BOOM!  The backlash to the GOP warmongering stunt has been withering, and now a leading pro-GOP, pro-Likud paper is calling them "traitors" in a banner front page headline.
The NY Daily News is a reactionary paper, owned by a neo-conservative,  which endorsed George W. Bush and Mitt Romney.  They also oppose the administration's efforts to avoid war and strike a non-nuclear arms agreement with Iran.
But even for them, an attempt by GOP Senators to sabotage and scuttle the foreign policy negotiations of a sitting US President was a bridge too far.
Regardless of President Obama's recklessness in negotiation a nuclear deal with Iran, 47 Republican U.S. senators engaged in treachery by sending a letter to the mullahs aimed at cutting the legs out from under America's commander-in-chief. 
We strenuously condemn their betrayal of the U.S. constitutional system
They are an embarrassment to the Senate and to the nation.
 when your own turn against you and you are the minority you really muffed something up big time.  Rubio said he'd send another letter tomorrow that in it's self smells of tea baggin', they have consistently tried to demean the Pres. and uses the country and we the people as jackpot.  this is what we get putting them in not a full 3 months later they are already bent on war killing your kids, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers while the sit back high fiving about how they made Pres. look bad.

if this is 3 months worth of them imagine the next 2 years.  that goes for their gun toting base too, nobody wants to volunteer to go die for republicans who won't give them healthcare or food stamps or a job.  you guys love to pic a fight here but how mannish are you over there with the potential of losing your head runs rampant still ready to go and btw just what have they done for you the last 6 years except let you have more guns?