Wednesday, March 11, 2015

This can't be real life. Popular conservative places the blame for racist SAE chant on hip-hop

Bill Kristol on MSNBC

“Popular culture becomes a cesspool, a lot corporations profit off of it, and then people are surprised that some drunk 19-year-old kids repeat what they’ve been hearing,” said Bill Kristol. He added that Tipper Gore “tried to raise this issue, and was widely ridiculed,” referring to the parental advisory labels the future V-FLOTUS enacted after her daughter purchased Purple Rain thirty years ago.
“The kids that are buying hip hop or gangster rap, it’s a white audience, and they hear this over and over again,” Joe Scarborough said. “So do they hear this at home? Well, chances are good, no, they heard a lot of this from guys like this who are now acting shocked.”
Insanity. Sheer insanity.
When I heard what Bill Kristol said this morning, I had to listen to it again a few more times to make sure I wasn't mis-hearing it. This man just blamed white racism not on bad parenting, not on historical poison, but on black rappers.
Appearing on Morning Joe today, conservative author and commentator Bill Kristol formed his lips to somehow blame hip hop for the racist chant that the SAE fraternity at the University of Oklahoma was recently recorded performing. This strategy of blaming black people for white racism isn't new. In fact, whites routinely blamed blacks for their own unlawful lynchings in the South.
Kristol, blaming black hip hop artists for a white fraternity with a deep history of racism chanting a song about lynching black men, whom they call "nigg*ers" they want to hang from trees, is in the same illogical lineage as blaming Emmett Till for his own lynching, instead of the ugly racism (and racists) who are really at fault.

Thankfully, the University of Oklahoma President doesn't agree with Kristoland has called these students out for what they are and issued a zero tolerance policy on racism for his campus.
Hip hop had zero, zilch, nothing to do with what the SAE students (and their fellow sorority sisters who seem to have gotten off) so giddily chanted. To even ramrod hip hop into this discussion isn't just a distraction, it's wrong. 100% of the blame for everything those students said, falls on them and their fraternity - particularly in light of the revelation that this chant is being performed by the same fraternity on other campuses as well. 
 they are breeding a new wave of good ol boyz, but blaming Blacks for what they do is a racist pastime bigger than baseball, the republicans do it the entire right wing so Kristol he's just an OG of the old school of hate mongering where they do nothing wrong and we are the culprits we make White kids listen to our music while they make those same White kids into haters that just like the Black music culture.  if you are a hater it looks good on paper but when you say it on TV it's just what it is.
in blaming hip hop they are actually saying their kids prefer it over other genre's, just sayin'