Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ted Cruz wants 100 racists in the Senate

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) smiles as he confirms his candidacy in the 2016 U.S. presidential election race during a speech at Liberty College in Lynchburg, Virginia March 23, 2015. Cruz, a conservative firebrand who frequently clashes with leaders of hi

We already know that giving a speech to a white supremacist organization won't get you booted out of House Republican leadership. Now we get to learn what effect lavishly praising a viciously racist former senator will have on Ted Cruz's presidential run.
Ted Cruz, 2013:
The willingness to say all those crazy things is a rare, rare characteristic in this town, and you know what? It’s every bit as true now as it was then. We need a hundred more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate.
That's this Jesse Helms:
Once in office, Helms filibustered the legislation creating the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday for 16 days and called the Civil Rights Act “the single most dangerous piece of legislation ever introduced in the Congress.” Helms was notorious for exploiting racial animus in his political campaigns, most famously running an ad featuring “a pair of white hands crumpling a rejection letter” while the narrator said “You needed that job and you were the best qualified. But they had to give it to a minority.”
"All those crazy things" Helms was willing to say? Obsidian Wings collected quite a few. Like this:
“No intelligent Negro citizen should be insulted by a reference to this very plain fact of life. It is time to face honestly and sincerely the purely scientific statistical evidence of natural racial distinction in group intellect.
 Or this:
To rob the Negro of his reputation of thinking through a problem in his own fashion is about the same as trying to pretend that he doesn't have a natural instinct for rhythm and for singing and dancing.
it can't get any clearer who he is pandering to and who he will screw the same as those his racist angst is aimed at.  he doesn't seem to be aware that intolerance is a losing war and he is still fighting with all the gusto of  1650 slave owner.  my next question was is was he familiar with Helms history before that radical insensitive rant and if so he stands for more of the same republican discrimination and right wing disenfranchising of those not acceptable to them aka their water carrying base.

we have been under their thumb for centuries and now that we see what they claimed America was with this Pres. they want to take it back to the days when they only worried about was will i have enough slaves to bring in my crop.  back in Helms day it was assumed and spread around that we had no intelligence so what was jesse really trying to say was he giving props while underestimating???