Thursday, March 12, 2015

State Senator Justin Harris and Wife Believed Adopted Daughters Possessed by Demons, Had an Exorcism
No, really, they had an exorcism.
If you haven't heard by now, Arkansas State Senator Justin Harris (Republican, of course) and his wife Marsha are attempting to fight off a huge scandal. They fostered and adopted two little girls, aged 3 and 6.  The 6-year-old had been sexually abused before she came into the Harris home and the Harrises knew of the childrens' emotional disturbances. There were originally three sisters taken into the Harris house but they sent the oldest back to the state before formalizing the adoption.  She was too disturbed for them to care for her, even though they had been warned in advance that she had some severe problems.  
In fact, county DHS workers warned the Harrises not to foster and adopt any of them, because they weren't a good match for these little girls.  But the Harrises pulled strings, got the head of DHS to overrule them, and got the girls anyway.  It lasted 14 months, at the most.  
Harris and his wife "re-homed" the other two girls a little over a year after taking them into their home to a family whose father later raped the oldest girl.  The man was an employee of the Harris' Christian-based daycare facility. The man was fired from the daycare facility in the middle of the "re-homing", ostensibly for excessive absenteeism.  That didn't cause the Harrises to take the little girls back. At the time the arrest came to light Justin Harris went on public record as being sickened that such a thing had happened, but assured the public that none of the children at his daycare were harmed.  What he didn't say was that the little girl who was raped was his own adopted daughter that he had given away to the rapist.
The latest article quotes the Harris family's babysitter, now a college student, previous foster parents of the girls, the children's biological mother, and unnamed sources.  This here is the kicker:  
"The first night I was over there, I just broke down and cried with this little girl because I just felt so bad for her," Goldsborough said.
According to Goldsborough, the two girls were kept in separate rooms that were outfitted with locks, alarms and video cameras. They were not allowed to be around each other because of the Harrises' belief in demonic possession and telepathy, she said.
While Annie would be allowed to roam the house and interact with other family members, Mary was often confined to her room, Goldsborough said.
"We couldn't ever take [Mary] out. I'd watch her from a camera. I think it's crazy. They were adopted, so they're going to want TLC."
Goldsborough said the "exorcism" was performed by specialists from Alabama who came to the house to orchestrate the event. Other sources confirmed to the Times that Marsha Harris told them at least one "exorcism" was performed on the girls.
state senator, republican, possessed, exorcism, basic incarceration of a minor, separation of the girls for fear of demonic telepathy and this guy is still a senator?  you have to agree with the author if they were Christian enough to believe in the possession and the cure being exorcism denial just puts a big L on the whole story coming from the Harris's.  they were warned on a compatibility problem but pushed on getting a friend to override the judgment of the social worker. it sounds like they were trying to get money by fostering.  it sounds like Mary went on lock down right away and they bit off more than the gov't money was worth.  and what of the friend the head of DHS they should bear some shame and blame in this travesty his job and lack of discretion should be challenged