Thursday, March 12, 2015

John McCain's excuse? "I sign lots of letters"

As we read earlier, John McCain admitted that signing Tom Cotton's letter to Iran was not the greatest idea ever.  Now he seems to be excusing it by claiming:
I saw the letter, I saw that it looked reasonable to me and I signed it, that’s all. I sign lots of letters
He signs lots of letters.  Ummm, did he not read it in full?  Or did he read it and not comprehend what he was doing?  Or did he not give a rats ass, and now he's trying to save face?  
how do you look at a letter and see reasonable and how do you qualify looking reasonable with attaching your name to it saying you agree with the content?  as to his signing lots of letters i think there should be an investigation into everything he's signed that impacted gov't or people as well as his 47%/ i mean 47 other traitors we know by theie own actions and mouths they do not like reading anything which begs to question how much and what have they all signed in the blind?