Friday, March 13, 2015

Republicans may have just doomed a human trafficking bill by refusing to axe anti-abortion provision

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell turns to Sen. John Cornyn, R-TX after speaking to reporters after the Republican party policy luncheon in the Capitol in Washington September 16, 2014.  At left is Sen. John Barasso, R-WY. The U.S. House of Represe

"We Democratic women believe a bill intended to help women should be about helping women, period," Sen. Patty Murray of Washington said from the Senate floor Thursday. "The women senators who have joined us on the floor today have seen this kind of inappropriate, disappointing political stunts geared at rolling back women's rights before... Not on our watch."
Both Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid promised the bill would pass even as they were at a complete impasse on the abortion language, which would prevent women from using any money in the victims compensation fund for an abortion (except in cases of rape and incest).
"It's so simple, just take it out, take the abortion language out," Reid said from the Senate floor. Reid advocated for voting on new text for the bill that simply omitted the abortion language. McConnell offered a vote on stripping the language, which would have surely failed to attract enough votes to remove the provision.
The dispute came down to a bout of finger pointing. Republicans claimed the contents of the bill had been available for everyone to read for "two months." But the bill had changed since last year, when the abortion restriction had not been included.
"Democratic senators who have been working in good faith on this critical legislation for years assumed that their Republican colleagues were being forthright when they provided a list of changes that did not include the addition of the Hyde language," Reid said, referring to the abortion restrictions.
The dispute came down to a bout of finger pointing. Republicans claimed the contents of the bill had been available for everyone to read for "two months." But the bill had changed since last year, when the abortion restriction had not been included.
"Democratic senators who have been working in good faith on this critical legislation for years assumed that their Republican colleagues were being forthright when they provided a list of changes that did not include the addition of the Hyde language," Reid said, referring to the abortion restrictions.
 it should be obvious now that there is no good legislation benefiting women coming from the right wing it's always attached by another one that takes away more than it would appear they are conceding to.  they decry their personal war on women and majority of republican females find it better to deny their gender and belong to the women haters club which IMO makes them ideal targets for that war they don't admit it just like their male counterparts and they say men are from Mars and women are from Venus except republicans they are both from that peck beyond Jupiter.

this is still no way to run a gov't or a lemonade stand women drink lemonade to like they have rights and needs too not just republican men. same lies should apply to all like all truths should apply to us all a fact not in the republican handbook for dummies.