Friday, March 13, 2015

Ohio’s Huge Voter Fraud Investigation Turns Up Nearly Nothing

Jon Husted

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has been on a mission to weed out purported voter fraud in the state since he took office in 2011. After launching an investigation into what he called an “expanding loophole” allowing non-citizens to vote in Ohio and potentially decide elections, he announced Thursday that 145 non-citizens were registered to vote illegally in 2014, amounting to just .0002 percent of the 7.7 million registered voters in the state.
Husted’s office would not provide any information about the 27 people it referred to the Attorney General’s office for further review. But in 2013, his office sent 17 potential cases — .0003 percent of total ballots cast in the state — to the AG who eventually referred them to county prosecutors. Most reports of voting irregularities were dropped by the county prosecutors because the “voter fraud” problems were determined to have been caused by simple mistakes and confused senior citizens, according to a Cleveland Plain Dealer investigation
In total, only four people were convicted of voting fraud as a result of the 2013 investigation, Eve Mueller, the deputy director of communications for the Office of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, told ThinkProgress. Mueller said the office could not comment on the ongoing investigations into the newly announced cases.
“In all of the instances where potential voter fraud has been brought up, even outside of undocumented people who may be voting… the prosecutors have said, ‘this is not a person who was really trying to defraud the system. 
the fraud in Ohio and all the other red states controlled by republican governors is squarely in their yard with the intent of suppressing voters not voting for them we know that the scotus knows that but still refuse to restore sec 4 of voter rights act which they inflicted on Progressive voters that is the real fraud when they based their decision on they didn't see where policing red states that suppress Black voters was any longer needed, hours later NC and others reestablished their voter restrictive laws with a smile.  if we don't move by 2016 i fear it could be much longer time before we saw anything resembling a fair and honest election or our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.