Sunday, March 22, 2015

Paul Krugman is a Must-Read Today (Again)

     One of the reasons Paul Krugman is routinely marginalized by those with the power to do so is that he has a bad (for them) habit of putting into words what 'polite' people do not want to trouble their beautiful minds with, such as the monstrous con-job the current GOP budget is. When Krugman calls them Trillion Dollar Fraudsters, he's being restrained, if anything. What he's pointing out should be front page news and the lead story on the TeeVee machine news shows.
...outrageous fiscal mendacity is neither historically normal nor bipartisan. It’s a modern Republican thing. And the question we should ask is why.
....I’m partial to a more cynical explanation. Think about what these budgets would do if you ignore the mysterious trillions in unspecified spending cuts and revenue enhancements. What you’re left with is huge transfers of income from the poor and the working class, who would see severe benefit cuts, to the rich, who would see big tax cuts. And the simplest way to understand these budgets is surely to suppose that they are intended to do what they would, in fact, actually do: make the rich richer and ordinary families poorer.
    If you look at the comments on Krugman's editorial, the recs on the most popular comments are shooting up faster than you can click on them to agree, as people see the editorial this morning. The one currently at the top of the list is this one:
Jim - Cleveland 4 hours ago Why is this column the only place in this newspaper where this honest appraisal of Republican dishonesty appears?
Reply 507 Recommended
 I've submitted my own comment, but it may not make it through the flood of comments pouring in as the country wakes up and starts to catch up with what Krugman has to say. Here's my two cents worth:
Thank you Dr. Krugman for putting in plain language what so much of the press closes their eyes to. The Republican Party is trying to run America the way a Slumlord runs an apartment building - but it goes even farther than that.
It's not just that the Republicans are busy transferring wealth upwards (so much for 'trickle-down fantasies) - it's that they're busy turning us against each other too. Blatant appeals to racism, sexism on steroids, xenophobia, endless fear and war-mongering, religious fanaticism; all of this intended to distract us from what they're doing to the country, and to keep us from uniting against them.
It's no coincidence that three of the GOP Presidential contenders - Walker, Christie, Perry - are the subject of criminal investigations. Mike Huckabee is peddling bogus medical cures to the gullible. Rick Scott is applying Putin-style censorship to Florida state employees who dare mention Climate Change in public.
The modern Republican Party has combined the worst aspects of a cult with those of organized crime. Dealing with them may prove a greater challenge than the Civil War or World War II. Between their economic chicanery, their divisiveness, and their refusal to face up to real threats to the world, their deliberate malice towards all and charity towards none may ultimately be the end of us all.

wow that was spot on, what is left to say nothing except "TOUCHE'",  although i see things i've mentioned before on this blog.  both the author and Krugman are calling it as it is i'm especially surprised at Krugman i always saw him on right wing shows pitching that days talking point, while those hosts would praise him for being so smart Bilo too, wonder what they think of him now?  i've said before those water carriers on the right have been abandoning ship IMO to no longer be associated with the hypocrisy and out right lying that take place on that playground a smart move if you intend to be taken seriously by the more informed majority of American actually the world whatever they say or do is gobbled up by the internet and in minutes the global audience knows who and what you are.

with the hate market dwindling those who stick around and continue spewing the remnants of chewed red meat into the trough of under informed they better hope Fox last forever because no respectable media would hire a known Fox associate also better hope they get ObamaCares from the job neurologically speaking. /s