Saturday, March 14, 2015

Netanyahu says sees 'real danger' of losing re-election bid

A Likud campaign billboard depicting Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen in Tel Aviv March 10, 2015.  REUTERS/Nir Elias

(Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday he saw "a real danger" he might lose next week's closely contested election and asserted that there was a worldwide effort to ensure such an outcome.
In what Israeli media called an unannounced visit to a rally north of Tel Aviv, Netanyahu entreated supporters to make sure he defeats rival Isaac Herzog of the left-of-center Zionist Union party by casting ballots in the March 17 vote.
"It's far from being certain, there's a real danger," the said the right-wing premier, who has been in office since 2009.
In footage of the event obtained by Reuters Television, Netanyahu said Herzog would seek to renew peace talks with Palestinians and negotiate about "dividing Jerusalem, giving back territory". He was alluding to his rival's promises to seek to revive negotiations that collapsed in April.
this guy is not interested in peace or peace talks he only wants to wave the saber of destruction and death. he came here trying to end run Pres. he stepped in the elephant dung and it followed him home. his decision was not favored by both countries here and there it looks to be a backfire a well deserved one.  right wing international needs to learn the same lessons the sun rises in the east not out of their parties.  he's done the deed now it's to late for a "ah crap" i really hope if he loses it sets a precedence here and those who were complicit go the way of  Bibi out of office. laws are for everyone and especially those who violate with impunity their actions have universal impacts.