Sunday, March 15, 2015

‘It’s way out of line’: Juan Williams shouts down Karl Rove for ‘secret email’ hypocrisy

Karl Rove and Juan Williams appear on Fox News (screen grab)

Fox News contributor Juan Williams lashed out at Karl Rove over the weekend for attacking Hillary Clinton for using a private email server when he had also used a used a secret email account to orchestrate the firing U.S. Attorneys for political reasons when George W. Bush was president.
In 2007, the Bush White House said that it had lost millions emails that administrative officials had sent using Republican National Committee accounts. According to congressional investigators, many of those emails discussed official government business, including the firing of U.S. Attorneys who did not agree with Rove’s political agenda.
During a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday, Rove said that Hillary Clinton had used a personal email account for State Department business because she and her husband were “operating out of a sense of entitlement.”
But he dismissed comparisons to his own email scandal, saying that Democrats created a “complete circus” in 2007.
Williams agreed that Clinton’s emails should be scrutinized, but he said that Republicans were having “such a feeding frenzy” that “people think it’s way out of line.”
“You see these Republicans, ‘Email, email, email!’ When Karl was in trouble back in ’07, no press coverage!” Williams pointed out. “It was like one day [of] press coverage.”
“Juan, you are in a different reality,” Rove shot back “If you’re trying to say they were not tough on Rove, but they’re being too tough on Clinton, well, maybe it’s because she was the secretary of state and I was a White House aide, and she is violating the rules.”
“But Karl, you fired a bunch of U.S. Attorneys!” Williams observed. “Karl, if you doubt your power, let me affirm it. You were a powerful man in the Bush White House. And you were firing U.S. Attorneys! And it was a scandal.”

Rove lied and what the Bush WH did was criminal and they got a way with in as far as prosecution but the story is still out their and involved emails claimed lost.  make no mistake this is firing an early salvo across Hilary's bow, like i said when they start early they have so much more time to open their mouths and there is where we will find the truth.  if they persist on getting Hilary's server or emails they like us to think still out there then so will all their unresolved controversies concerning the same issue,  the only way they can say not a double standard or that they are not just targeting her.

would like to see them pull that rabbit out of a hat.