Monday, March 23, 2015

Are Ted Cruz's Religious Beliefs (And Rafael Cruz) Off Limits?

I haven't as yet seen it diaried, but all reports say that Ted Cruz will officially announce he is running for President tomorrow.
Now naturally, the first thing pundits will gravitate to will be all the crazy that comes out of his mouth.
Next, they will talk about how he engineered the shutdown last year, in his role as de facto Speaker of the House.
But others here are good at showcasing that particular brand of crazy.
But what about his religious beliefs?
Ted Cruz is a fanatical Dominionist, a Seven Mountains apocalyptic theocrat and a future Ayatollah.
Don't believe me? Ask his father, uber-right wing pastor Rafael Cruz
Speaking of Rafael Cruz, here are some of his Greatest Hits:
“We need to send Barack Obama back to Chicago. I’d like to send him back to Kenya, back to Indonesia.” He went on to say, “We have to unmask this man. This is a man that seeks to destroy all concept of God. And I will tell you what, this is classical Marxist philosophy. Karl Marx very clearly said Marxism requires that we destroy God because government must become God.”
"Go to Genesis chapter nine and you will find the death penalty clearly stated in Genesis chapter nine ... God ordains the death penalty!”
"God has given you an anointing to go to the battlefield. And what's the battlefield? The marketplace. To go to the marketplace and occupy the land. To go to the marketplace and take dominion."
"Evolution is one of the strongest tools of Marxism because if they can convince you that you came from a monkey, it’s much easier to convince you that God does not exist."
"The president has the gall to tell us that this is not a Christian nation. The United States of American was formed to honor the word of God."
“The wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous. And it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur."
“Barack Obama said: If the winds shift, I will side with the Muslims.”
But you want Ted Cruz quotes?
May 1, 2013
"We understand that our rights come not from a king or queen, not from government, but from The Lord God Almighty. Today there are great challenges facing our nation, but if America is going to continue to stand strong, we must first be on our knees. 
he has no worry the evangelicals the religion of choice for republicans political endeavors if they hate it so will the evangelicals if they spew bigotry and racism so too will the evangelicals.  did i mention he chose the Liberty University here's a link to why.