Monday, March 16, 2015

Active meth lab found in Walmart bathroom: Not the first time, or the fifth or...

Walmart with crystal meth overlayed

A backpack containing an "active meth lab" was found in a Walmart men's room, in Muncie, Indiana last night.
After putting on protective masks and suits, investigators worked to dismantle the lab, removing the chemicals from the store. Police said the men’s and women’s restrooms would have to be thoroughly decontaminated after the discovery.
This is not the first time that a Walmart has been the site of a Walter-White style laboratory. Back in April of 2012, in Alabama.
A shake and bake methamphetamine lab was found Saturday morning in a women's rest room at Walmart in Boaz.
Boaz Police Chief Terry Davis said a cleaning crew found a Nestle water bottle and five empty packets of pseudoephedrine between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. in a stall in the restroom in the front of the store. He said the cleaning crew contacted managers, who contacted police.
don't know anything about meth but it is curious when reading title i had visions of test tubes curling glass tubes a Bunsen burner under each one and smoke in the air, but i digress learning that it was portable in a back pack while not as glamorous as my thoughts actually quite a bit less sensational.
In June of 2012, at a St. Louis Walmart, a woman was detained in a holding room for having shoplifted:
While she was detained, she had a 20 ounce soda bottle in her purse that was cooking meth while she was in the holding room.
Last December, in Oklahoma:
Walmart security notified authorities around 6 p.m. after spotting the 45-year-old woman acting suspiciously. They told Tulsa Police that Halfmoon had been in the store for more than six hours.
According to an arrest report, police observed Halfmoon on security tape mixing the chemicals. When Halfmoon was arrested, she had already mixed two containers of sulfuric acid.
now i'm wondering if this was an Onion story how do you cook something in a soda bottle in a purse can you cook in a plastic bottle don't remember ever seeing a 20 oz glass soda bottle but what about odor and the danger of sulfuric acid the whole thing souns incredible but will look for follow up reporting.  DANG!!!!