Saturday, February 21, 2015

Victoria Jackson: Obama Probably Muslim 'Since He Supports Abortion And Same-Sex Marriage'

Former SNL star turned wingnut Victoria Jackson is trolling for some attention again following her snub from the show's 40th reunion.
From Right Wing Watch: Victoria Jackson: Obama's Gay Marriage Support Proves He's 'An Islamic Jihadist':
Right-wing entertainer and former Saturday Night Live comedian Victoria Jackson appeared on Newsmax today to discuss her claim that she was snubbed at SNL’s 40th anniversary celebration.
When host Steve Malzberg asked Jackson about her latest music video, “There’s a Muslim Living in the White House,” Jackson said Obama “doesn’t act like a Christian at all” and is probably a Muslim since he “supports abortion and same-sex marriage.”
She wondered why the whole country doesn’t realize President Obama is a Muslim: “The thing that is frustrating to me is every night I hear the news commentators say: Why is Obama doing this? Why is he helping the enemy? Why is he telling them where we’re going to hit them? Why is he aiding and abetting ISIS? And I’m like, because he’s one of them. It’s so obvious. It’s like the emperor’s new clothes, you know? It’s like nobody will say the truth. He’s an Islamic jihadist.”
there's no question why she was left out in the cold she's crazy.  first he does not tell the enemy where he's going to hit them that is what republicans have been trying to get him to do by saying he has no strategy Americans need to know what his plan to go after Isis is.  first time i heard that i said set up if he did they would be doing what this dimwit is doing now and go through the releasing secret info, appeasing the enemy and the usual Muslim cracks, they will not win simply because they are not as smart as Pres.

wondering why the whole country isn't with her because she is on a different wave length coming from beyond Jupiter.