The deceased body sustained multiple gunshot wounds, three (3) to the head...
It was reported that the deceased's mother was on the scene...
Detective HOKAMP... provided the following preliminary investigative details...
During the struggle the Officer's weapon was un-holstered. The weapon discharged during the struggle.
The deceased then ran down the roadway. Officer Wilson then began to chase the deceased. The deceased turned around and ran towards Officer Wilson. Officer Wilson had his service weapon drawn, as the deceased began to run toward him he discharged his service weapon several times...
all his time we were led to believe there was one head shot that is not something you can mistake in statement or written word it is however something you would omit if you were deceitfully hiding something which speaks either to the stupidity of Ferguson officials or at the time they never thought it would get out only their versions would override eye witnesses who they said had a motive to mislead to get back at cops, the cops mislead was to protect their killer cop squads from prosecution, not hard to realize who's motive to lie was greater.
the killer's advocates are pushing Mike went for the gun at first no mention of shot in car, IMO he may have reached for the gun, seeing Warren after grabbing him around the neck and pulling him in was pulling it out to intimidate or kill life threatening moment, either way Mike was the one shot. leaving the car to pursue and kill wreaks on Zimmerman's murder evidence.