Friday, February 20, 2015

Scott Walker Loses Education Control Fight in Court

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R-DonateBigMoneyToMeAndI'llDoYourBidding) has a sad today.
A unanimous state appeals court on Thursday deemed unconstitutional a portion of a 2011 law that gave Gov. Scott Walker the ability to halt administrative rules by Schools Superintendent Tony Evers, who is independently elected.
The ruling by the Madison-based District 4 Court of Appeals upholds a 2012 decision by Dane County Circuit Judge Amy Smith.
Walker signed the law in May 2011, which gave his administration a greater say in writing administrative rules, which are used to implement state laws. Administrative rules include more specifics than state statutes and carry the force of law.
Looks like Scott Walker got caught ignoring the State Constitution:
The state constitution says that "the supervision of public instruction shall be vested in a state superintendent and such other officers as the Legislature shall direct." In a 1996 case that the appeals court repeatedly cited, the state Supreme Court held that lawmakers and the governor cannot give "equal or superior authority" over public education to any other official.
The Supreme Court's ruling found that the state constitution prevented then-Gov. Tommy Thompson from transferring powers from the Department of Public Instruction to a new Department of Education overseen by the governor's administration.
"In sum, the Legislature has the authority to give, to not give, or to take away (the school superintendent's) supervisory powers, including rule-making power. What the Legislature may not do is give the (superintendent) a supervisory power relating to education and then fail to maintain the (superintendent's) supremacy with respect to that power," Appeals Judge Gary Sherman wrote for the court in Thursday's decision.
for a party who constantly wraps the constitution around their foreheads and also the party who hates to read anything longer than a page they sure like to accuse Pres. a constitutional lawyer of violating it's tenets when it's them again accusing him of what they do.  if some group fights this hard to repress and there is an equal intensity of opposition and the first group has a track record of all the jim crow worthy restrictions to the second group just by virtue of that make that first group in denial of the second's right to do anything they the first don't agree to.  that sounds just like the republican definition of compromise "Democrats do what republicans want".

the only reason to put any kind of restriction to education is to keep those who would benefit from attaining the the restrictor's status keeping them forever subservient.  the less you know or can reason the more they can do to you.