Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fox News Plagiarizes RNC's Hillary Clinton Attack Campaign
Fox & Friends ripped off the Republican National Committee's latest hit job on Hillary Clinton, building an entire segment around the GOP's specious "Where's Hillary?" campaign without disclosing the source.  
"Where in the world is Hillary Clinton?" Fox & Friends co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked Thursday. "It's been 204 days since her last press conference and 186 days since her last interview," and according to Hasselbeck, "Hillary seems to be in hiding."
Hasselbeck's report is ripped straight from a Republican National Committee (RNC) memo announcing its "Hillary's Hiding" campaign. That campaign, launched two days before the Fox & Friends segment, purports to "keep asking, 'Where's Hillary?'" and focuses on the number of days since Clinton's last press conference and interview. At no point did Hasselbeck credit the RNC for the concept that framed her segment.
i don't see what the fuss is the first guest in the video makes a great point but the issue is Fox plagiarizing the RNC that by default is impossible they are Siamese twins Fox is their media of choice it carries the water to the base, in turn they have all their releases on Fox media outlets one hand scratching the other stroking what's that old saying two peas in a pod.  i wonder could one survive without the other bet neither is trying to find out.  just an early attack on potential Dem candidate 2016, 

you know what would be really hilarious republicans going through all this spending early to hurt Hilary and then she decides not to run,  playbook fodder for the fireplace again they would have wasted all their time trying to hurt one person ignoring their jobs and again it bites them