Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Why exactly did the police lie for 108 days about how far Mike Brown ran from Darren Wilson?


The day after Mike Brown was killed, the police began stating that he died just 35 feet from Officer Darren Wilson's SUV. For the first month, in my own reporting on the case, I parroted this distance as fact—not really thinking that the police would be bold enough to publicly lie about such an essential and verifiable fact of the case.
Then, this past September, a St. Louis resident who was familiar with the crime scene wrote me privately to tell me that he had studied the distance and it appeared to him that Brown was at least 100 feet away from the SUV—and maybe much farther. For three weeks, a team of volunteers and I studied every photo publicly available from the Aug.d 9 crime scene, sent someone to Canfield Drive to measure the distance between where we believed Darren Wilson's SUV was to where we believed Brown died, studied four different mapping softwares to help measure the distance, and concluded that the distance was, in fact, at a minimum, 100 feet. At the time, we wanted to go live with the possibility that Brown ran 150 feet away, but felt that we could publicly state 100 feet as an indisputable fact.
On Sept. 18, I went public with our evidence that Brown fled at least 100 feet from Wilson's SUV.
For the following two weeks, I asked the St. Louis County Police Department to comment on the enormous difference between what it had been saying publicly and what our research found. At least four other members of the press also asked them, on my behalf, and the police refused to comment on it. In the meantime, hundreds and hundreds of stories around the world, continued to advance the 35-foot distance as fact.
Unsure if Wilson's testimony before the grand jury was going to reflect the tale that was being told about Brown charging at the officer before he was shot and killed, it dawned on me that for that to be true, he would've had to have run not 154 feet away, but more in the range of 160-180 feet—making the lie of 35 feet that much more egregious.
Finally, when the grand jury decision was delivered, and prosecutor Bob McCulloch gave his remarks before the documents were released, he confirmed that Brown had died 153 feet away from the SUV.
there are those who will never except out loud the discrepancies in the police "EVIDENCE" and eye witness and forensic evidence are miles apart and done by police set on exonerating one of their own, the influence on the GJ was not a protocol of a prosecutor one who was dedicated to doing their job as described, simply because in their minds he was a Black thug that did not deserve to live making the homicidal cop their hero.   justice was not served in Ferguson, wonder if the reverse had happened Black cop killing a White unarmed kid who allegedly robbed a store and was walking down the middle of the street, would they be so gung ho in getting him/her off?